Public Exhibition - August 2023

As part of our pre-application consultation we held a public exhibition in the local area to share information on the preliminary design and to enable people to provide us with their feedback.

RES staff were on hand to answer any questions or for more information, and comment forms were available to gather feedback.

The public exhibition initiated a consultation period being run by RES to gather comments on the proposal. The closing date for comments was Friday 8th September 2023. Comments will still be accepted after this date but may not be considered in relation to the design development, please contact us for more information. 

All information provided at the public exhibition is available to view below.

About the Project

RES is exploring the potential for a battery energy storage project on land adjacent to the Bridge of Dun substation, approximately 5km west of Montrose.

The battery energy storage project is expected to cover a total area of 4 to 5 acres and have a capacity of 49.9MW.

The site lies outside of any international, national or local environmental designations and there are no nationally important heritage designations in the immediate vicinity.

Click on image to enlarge

Infrastructure and Layout

The plan to the right shows the preliminary layout for the 49.9MW Dunmill Battery Energy Storage project. We are currently consulting on this layout and as such it is subject to change.

The proposed system is a containerised scheme, involving proven lithium-ion battery technology which RES has deployed at multiple projects around the world.

The infrastructure would include:

  • Battery enclosures
  • Power Conversion Systems and Transformers
  • Customer Substation
  • Auxiliary Transformer
  • Grid Compliance Equipment
  • Grid Connection Infrastructure
  • Security System
  • Drainage Scheme
  • Landscaping

Click on image to enlarge

Environmental Considerations

RES will design the battery energy storage system so that it will fit sensitively in the surrounding landscape.

A number of surveys and assessments will be carried out to ensure any potential impact upon the environment, landscape, heritage and local residents is appropriately assessed and mitigated.

The assessments to be carried out will include:

  • Ecology
  • Landscape
  • Heritage & Archaeology
  • Flood Risk & Surface Water Management
  • Cumulative Impacts
  • Noise & Vibration
  • Transport
  • Arboricultural Survey

The Dunmill project will be specifically designed to include planting of native trees, hedgerows and wildflower grass areas. These will not only reduce potential visibility of the scheme but also help to enhance biodiversity by providing wildlife corridors and vital resources for mammals, birds, and insect species.

Traffic and Access

All delivery traffic will access the site from the A935 running from Montrose toward Brechin.

At this early stage we are considering 2 options for the access point to site, as shown on the plan to the right.

Throughout the construction phase there will be a combination of HGVs (for the component and material deliveries) and cars/vans (for construction staff), on site. Typically, there is peak HGV movements during the first few weeks of construction whilst car/van movements are expected to be constant throughout.

A Transport Statement will accompany any planning application, which will outline the overall framework for managing the safe movement of construction and delivery traffic as well as itemising the expected number of traffic movements and timing restrictions.

Click on image to enlarge

Why Battery energy Storage?

Our energy system is in a transitionary period.

Ageing infrastructure is being replaced and greater flexibility introduced into our networks via technological advances, such as battery energy storage, to manage the increasingly complex supply and demand needs of the 21st Century.

Battery energy storage is crucial in enabling the rollout of zero carbon energy and supporting the UK’s net zero emissions target.

Renewable energy technologies are needed to replace electricity generation from fossil fuels, and battery energy storage technology support the variable generation whilst playing an important balancing and grid stability role. 

Battery energy storage works by storing energy at times when generation exceeds demand and then releases electricity back to the electricity network when demand exceeds generation.

Electricity is not physically generated on site.


Please note that comments submitted to RES at this time are not representations to the determining authority (Angus Council).